Privacy Policy

MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA, S.L. is deeply sensitized  with the protection of personal data of its website users. Through the use of the current Privacy Policy (from now on, referred to as the Policy) MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL informs its website users about the treatment that their data endures that are collected on the website, with the aim of allowing them to decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to facilitate the requested information.

MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL reserves the capacity to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislations, jurisprudential criteria, industry practices or the entity’s interests. Any modification will be announced with enough time in advance so that the user is perfectly knowledgeable.


The entity in charge of the treatment of personal data is: MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL, with CIF/NIF: B63804249, from now on known as «entity»

Address:  C/ Tomás Iriarte, 23-29, local 8 – 08191, Rubí (Barcelona).

Email Address:


The collection and treatment of personal data through the contact form aimed for the management, administration, widening and betterment of the services offered by MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL, attending the information requests and/or raised queries.


The collected data will be conserved for the duration corresponding to comply with legal obligations, or until the interested party requests their suppression for a legitimate cause.


MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL is permitted to treat personal data for one or multiple purposes, based on the consent given by the interested party, as is contemplated in article 6.1.a) of the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection.


Collected personal data will not be loaned or communicated to other third parties, except in cases when it is necessary for development, control or fulfillment of the expressed purposes according to the law, as well as specific occasions, in which the user will be diligently informed.


What are your rights when you facilitate us your data?

Access: The user has the right to know which personal data is being treated by the entity.

Rectification: The user has the right to request the rectification of wrong data.

Suppression: The user has the right to request the suppressions of their data when, among other reasons, it is no longer necessary for the means it was collected for.

Limitation of treatment: In determined circumstances, the user can request the limitation of the treatment of their data, and in this case, it will only be kept for the exercise or defense of claims.

Opposition: In determined circumstances, the user will be able to oppose the treatment of their data. In this case, the entity will stop treating it, except for very legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Portability of the data: It is only applicable to automated data an it consists of moving the data from the entity towards a new responsible party for its treatment (not to the user or by his request)

You can exercise your rights, even the right to no longer give consent (if it was given in the first place) sending a writing (accompanied by your ID) to MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL c/ Tomás Iriarte, 23-29, local 8 – 08191, Rubí (Barcelona)or via email to
Moreover, you have the right to file a claim to the authority in the matter of data protection, which is currently the Spanish Agency of Data Protection


The responsible party for data treatment, MAS ACOUSTICS BARCELONA SL, will apply the necessary technical and organizational measures to provide a level of security that is adequate to the existing risk.


International transfers will not take place.


We do not elaborate profiles and we do not make automated decisions with the user-given data.

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